FAIR is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to the higher education institutional research. To know more about our bylaws please scroll down.

I. Membership
Section 1. Members: Membership in the Florida Association for Institutional Research (FAIR) shall be open to those involved in or interested in research and planning for educational institutions. Membership is individual and is not transferable.
Section 2. Application for Membership: Applicants for membership shall be made to the Secretary-Treasurer.
II. Organization Structure
Section 1. Officers: The officers of the Association shall include the President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and Immediate-Past-President. Officers must be dues-paying members of the Florida Association for Institutional Research. The President, President-Elect, and Immediate-Past-President shall hold office for one (1) year, while the Secretary- Treasurer shall hold office for two (2) years, and shall perform the duties of their offices as may be defined by the Executive Board. The terms of office for officers and directors shall begin at the end of the annual business meeting at the annual conference of the year of the election and shall serve through the annual business meeting of the following year.
Section 2. Duties of the Officers:
A. The President shall:
- Preside at meetings of Executive Board of the Association.
- Represent the Association in all matters.
- Call meetings of the Executive Board.
- Authorize expenditures and payment of Association funds.
- Serve as representative to AIR for state affiliation.
- Appoint members to committees, or task forces, as necessary, and act as ex-officio member of each group.
B. The President-Elect shall:
- Serve as Program Chair of the Annual Conference.
- Perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or temporary disability.
- Perform duties assigned by the President.
- Represent the Association at the request of the President.
- Serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.
- Convene an annual conference planning committee at least 7 months prior to the annual meeting.
C. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
- Record the minutes of the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board.
- Maintain a current Association membership roster and provide it to members annually.
- Act in the absence or temporary disability of the President-Elect.
- Collect and maintain dues and conduct membership drives.
- Safeguard and disburse any other Association funds as necessary.
- Prepare an annual budget and submit it to the Executive Board members not later than one month before the annual conference. This budget is to be for the fiscal year and shall be approved, with modification as necessary, by the Executive Board at the annual business meeting.
- Disseminate Association information to the membership.
- Serve as liaison officer with the Membership Committee.
D. The Immediate Past President shall:
- Serve as Chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committee.
- Assist the President-Elect in his/her duties.
- Research and prepare reports concerning state or federal proposals and policies affecting the membership.
- Review the FAIR Constitution and Bylaws and make recommendations for revision.
- Perform other duties assigned by the President.
E. The Executive Board shall:
- Set annual dues, goals for activities, and programs of the Association.
- Plan for regular meetings of the Association.
- Provide an annual assessment of progress toward goals and assess Association needs.
Section 3. Governance: Governance of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board which shall include the Association President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate-Past-President. The Executive Board shall be empowered to act for the Association in the period between the annual meetings of the Association. The Executive Board shall have the authority to adopt policies for the Association, provided that such policies are consonant with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, with directives of the Association membership at large, and with the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 4. Committees: Each Executive Board may authorize the creation of such ad hoc committees, task forces, or similar groups responsible as it deems necessary to undertake the broad areas of Association activities under the guidance and direction of the Executive Board. The Association President shall appoint the members of committees and other such groups. The two standing committees shall be the Membership and the Nominations and Elections Committees.
III. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations: The Nominations and Elections Committee shall consist of two (2) persons. In addition, the Immediate-Past-President shall act as the Committee Chairperson of the two members. This Committee shall, at least three months prior to the annual conference, prepare and report to the Executive Committee a double slate of candidates for each of the positions for which an election is to be held. In the event that there is only one nominee for an open position, this nomination will be an approval item on the agenda at the annual business meeting. All nominees must hold membership in the Association. No person serving on the Nominations Committee may have his/her name placed into nomination. Any individual elected to the position of President-Elect of the Association may not have his/her name placed into nomination for any office for at least four (4) years from the time he/she commences serving the term of office as President-Elect.
Section 2. Elections: Elections shall be by mail ballot or electronic mail, and the ballot shall be distributed to all members no later than two months prior to the annual conference. Ballots shall be returned to the Nominations Committee at least one month prior to the annual conference. Ballots shall be counted by the Nominations Committee, (none of which are on the ballot). In the event that there is only one nominee for an open position, this nomination will be an approval item on the agenda at the annual business meeting.
Section 3. Tie Vote In the event of a tie vote for an elective office, a majority vote of the full membership of the Executive Committee shall resolve the tie.
Section 4. Elected Officers Any person elected as an officer of the Association shall be employed by an educational institution or agency in the State of Florida at the time of his/her acceptance.
IV. Fiscal Policy
The Executive Board shall adopt a budget for each fiscal year, provide for an audit of the books and bond the Secretary-Treasurer and any other person handling funds of the Association. On approval of the Executive Board, the Association may accept gifts and grants. It may enter into contracts with appropriate persons or agencies to pursue research and perform services consistent with the purpose of the Association.
V. Meetings
Section 1. Time of Meetings: The Association will hold a regular meeting once a year. The Executive Board shall notify all active members of this meeting at least two months in advance. The Executive Board shall give two weeks notice of any special meetings of the membership, and the Executive Board meetings shall be open to all members of the Florida Association for Institutional Research and invited guests.
Section 2. Procedures: A majority of all officers constituting the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When a vote of the Executive Board is required between meetings of the Board, the Secretary-Treasurer is directed to secure the vote of each member.
Adopted June 12, 1987
Revised: July 18, 2003